电影 甜心


Two college freshmen pull a "Turkey Dump" and break up with their high school sweethearts over "Drunksgiving" - the one chaotic night before Thanksgiving in their hometown that puts their codependent friendship to the test.





Two college freshmen pull a "Turkey Dump" and break up with their high school sweethearts over "Drunksgiving" - the one chaotic night before Thanksgiving in their hometown that puts their codependent friendship to the test.


  • Halberstadt, the summer of 1990: Maren, Robert, and Volker come across millions of East German marks in an old tunnel. Although the money is technically worthless, the three friends smuggle it out in their backpacks and involve their neighbors in a clever scheme to cheat capitalism by exchanging it for goods.
  • Two college freshmen pull a "Turkey Dump" and break up with their high school sweethearts over "Drunksgiving" - the one chaotic night before Thanksgiving in their hometown that puts their codependent friendship to the test.
  • 底层社畜大龄青年陈小魁因没钱饱受冷眼,事业爱情连番危机,突逢老家拆迁,一夜暴富在即,陈小魁却在醉酒后把领拆迁款最关键的地契烧给了亡父,他不得不前往地府寻找父亲,试图寻回地契,由此开启了一段奇异惊险又笑料频出的大冒险。
  • 在发现各自的另一半是兄妹后,这两个心怀怨恨的前恋人必须在同一屋檐下度过圣诞节,同时隐瞒他们的恋爱史。
  • A young girl's letter to Santa contains a typo that redirects it from the North Pole to Hell.
